My Mum sent me this link back in March which was her 70th birthday month as it happens but we were slightly busy with her for me to actually put the post up….Anyway, I just found it in her emails to me. She was a baby Boomer..That she was!… This paragraph says so much about her and all the other women of her generation and like her like her: “Studies have shown that when baby boomers become involved in social issues or want to empower to initiate change, they tend to resort to single-cause issues that arise from deep passions. Unlike their parents, baby boomers tend not to organize around their own self interests. They are driven by passion and uncivic engagement. Boomers are a generation that questions social justice, and will continue to do so as they march into their golden years. We continue to empower others, and this becomes contagious from one woman to another and from generation to generation. The way I see it, we will do this until death do us part. As Joan Baez sang at Woodstock”, “We shall overcome.”
Read full article here:
Through this post I have discovered this amazing woman. Anais Nin, she would have been a wonderful woman to know and learn from. Look her up … Enjoy…