When a sparkly effervescent young lady walks into your studio beaming Rydel High Vibes you settle in to a nostalgic look back on the iconic 70’s movie Grease’s take on the 50’s wholesome culture.. Pom Poms, Cheerleaders, Beauty School Drop Outs and dreamy boys floating in our minds.
Nikki asked if I would be her MUAH and Stylist and have Amanda from Peppermint Photography take her pictures… Flying in from Sydney for a romantic Valentines weekend away with her beau, we ruffled calendars and made her day happen! .. we knew instantly it was going to be a cheeky day! Now all I needed was that tape deck and cassette of the soundtrack to fill the studio with the sounds of her dreams….and you know what.. we had it already! Similarly, we needed Roller Skates and there they were! It’s mad how many things you accumulate to have on hand for any given situation!
A little known fact about Rydel High: Rydell High is actually three different real Los Angeles high schools. The facade is Venice High School, the interior is Huntington Park High School, and the field is John Marshall High School.
Just like that, using differently locations and props and telling a story, yo are transported to a place of happiness, such was this day for Nikki and indeed us as well.
We hope you enjoy this make over and BS shots to show you the process.
Want to create some magic, have a little holiday on the Gold Coast or Brisbane? Lets make that happen for you.
MUAH/Styling: Miss Chrissy @Lindycharmschool
PICS: Amanda Hamilton from Peppermint Photogrpahy