When our beautiful angel sister Elisha was fighting so hard for her life the love and kindness that she received from her community and total strangers buffeted her from the terrible blows of her illness. One such stranger sent Elisha a beautiful wedding gown (new and unused) so that Elisha could sell it and use the money to pay for her treatment. What an unconditionally kind gesture of compassion, care and love. As women we are really good at loving and nurturing others and when we use these qualities to care for strangers in need it truly makes the world a better place.
For one reason and another we were unable to sell the dress and are now honoring the loving gesture by passing it on to “Angel Gowns Australia” who transforms donated wedding dresses into handcrafted garments for little babies who tragically die too soon through still birth, miscarriage or illness. It feels so right to be taking care of each other in these small but meaningful ways as it is a true expression of our humanity. – Have a look here at the amazing work they do: ANGEL GOWNS AUSTRALIA
Another example of the beautiful nature of our human spirit is evident in an event, which our family initially created to help Elisha, called River Run 100. As a family we expected to hold this event once only but the participants and supporters of the inaugural marathon were so enthusiastic to keep it going that it has now become an annual event. River Run 100 now raises money for dozens of charities through the blood sweat and tears of runners who run 100km individually or as part of a team. River run is happening this Sunday the 17th of August at Southbank in Brisbane so if anyone wants to pay it forward please check it out. You can still register or just turn up on the day and support and have a super fun family day out in support of a great cause. RIVER RUN 100