Not quite 12 months ago I started a few NLP sessions with a mate of mine, the lovely Tamra Mercier from Getting Naked and at the start of our sessions she asked me to write down where I saw myself and the Charm School in 12 months (Dreaming) … A couple of months back she called up to touch base to see how I was progressing and just a general catch up, she reminded me of what I had visualised and written down. I said that in 12 months time I see myself and The Lindy Charm School for Girls presenting on stage to a mass of school aged girls either in a motivational speaking way or teaching about grooming, manners, deportment and style etc in schools. The 2nd things that I wrote and said which was more for The Lindy Charm School was, I would like to be presenting/teaching a vintage styling workshop overseas…. Within the last 3 months I was asked to 1: Mentor at International Womens Day on Friday 8th of March and present on a forum with other amazing women to 350 year 11 and 12 female students from 16 schools across Qld.. See picture below of the 10 wonderful girls from AB Patterson School I had the pleasure of sitting with and mentoring throughout breakfast.. Dream1 Taken Care of…
Today’s Students – Tomorrows Leaders
They all received a Dolly Peg with a Message from Audrey Hepburn that says:
“Nothing is Impossible, The Word itself says I’m Possible”
And then along came Dream 2: Out of the Blue, The Lindy Charm School For Girls was asked to hold a couple of Vintage Styling Presentations and Workshops at Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekender (Yes, In LasVegas) as part of the Mitzi & Co Pin Up Beauty Academy – Look who has top Billing…. Dream No 2 sorted…
The power of putting what you want to achieve in your life out there in the universe and back it up with hard work and keep the fire in your passion burning and DREAMS DO COME TRUE….Now if only my dream for a cure for cancer and a fertile money tree would happen…! Til next time lovely people, keep dreaming big and never give up on what you believe in.