Today I was tapping away on my computer catching up with all things Charming when I get a knock at the door and a box handed to me… In this fast paced world we live in now where almost everything is delivered via social media or other forms of electronic sending, to get a hand written letter or card or gift in your letter box or to your door is such a thrill…and can I tell you.. Right Now.. I am THRILLED…
For no reason or gain, just because this lady is talented, kind and felt the need to gift me this exquisite creation is why I am feeling pretty special right now!! Have you had this experience of late? If so, please share your special kindness received or delivered…
This beautiful bag has been all hand made with love by Gaby who owns and runs Boo Boo Velvet, a small business from Adelaide, all Vintage Inspired and handmade, Bags, Dresses, Skirts, pre-loved and repurposed clothing… Such talent… Thank you Gaby for this precious gift.
Contacts are:
Instagram: @booboovelvet
Email: [email protected]
Read more below on the Art of Giving….
An excerpt from The Art of Happiness:
The true Art in Giving is to give from the heart without any expectation of a return.
True giving comes from the same place inside you as your deepest happiness. They are inexplicably intertwined.
A gift is something that is enjoyed twice. First by the giver who revels in the pleasure of giving something special and then also enjoyed by the person who receives the gift.
A very special form of giving takes the form of small, personal acts of kindness. Very often it is not money or belongings that people need, it’s the things that can’t be seen, such as advice reassurance, a kind word, compliments or a smile.
The act of giving doesn’t have to be limited to an exchange of presents at Christmas time or Birthdays. You can treat every person you come into contact with as someone who you can give a gift to.
You may be a bit sceptical, wondering what exactly do you have to give? Everybody has something of value for another person. It could be a kind word, a simple smile, some appreciation, the sharing of some special knowledge, even a helping hand or a bit of support during a difficult emotional time.
You have something to give everyone.
The act of true giving is something wonderful and amazing. With most things in this world, there is only a limited amount of what you can give away. Fortunately, generosity and kindness are not bound to these same material limitations.
One of life’s most basic laws is “every single act of love, kindness and generosity will multiply and return to you many times over “. The more you give the happier you will feel.
Many thousands of years ago a great sage in Babylon said “The reward of charity depends entirely upon the extent of the kindness in it.”
Til then,
Humble and Appreciative xx