I base most of my fashion taste these days on what doesn’t itch! … True… A news catch up with Miss Chrissy

PC:  Amanda – Peppermint Photography 

Hello Charming Friends,

It has been a hot minute since I was last writing to you all.  How have you all been?  I have been keeping up with my usual shenanigans and trying to juggle it all with ease and aplomb!  You know what I mean don’t you as you all do it too!  Life is beaut and busy at the moment.  I took on a part time job last year to work on an Arts and Culture Festival called BLEACH*  and its super fun learning the behind the scenes operational & programming working of putting together a major festival that runs over 3 locations over 10 days!  In between this, I have dipped my toes in the MUAH on major films arena, Dancing and performing with Swing On In, running and delivering on our charity called Beauties Feeling Fabulous, trying to hustle more work through The Lindy Charm School and enjoying all our kids and grandkids.. Yes I know, I hear you saying… you are to young to have SEVEN grandchildren!!  🙂  but there you go.. we do, and they are gorgeous!   Sleep when you’re dead right?

In this Newsletter:

  • Fashion that doesn’t make me itch! Have I joined the linen brigade?
  • Vintage Styling Workshops Brisbane, Gold Coast and Melbourne
  • The Moon is waning – time to shave?
  • Wedding Wishes
  • My Wedding
  • Vinegar Goodness for Flu season

Fashion that doesn’t make me itch! Have I joined the linen brigade?

I haven’t completely joined the Linen Brigade, nor have I abandoned my love of true vintage BUT.. as some of you know that after I finished my chemo and radiation treatment, my underlying eczema condition escalated.  Basically, when my immune system woke up from the treatment suppression, it went into fight mode.  I am constantly in a state of inflammation..  We have tried to remedy this over the years with natural health measures and medicines but to no resolution.  It’s all good though, some days are great, some days are bad, my life can’t stop because of it so I live with it and I’m happy that I’m here and its only a small price to pay.. BUT what does that mean to my fashion sensibilities?  Well, for the most part I now look for only natural fibres that are kind to my skin such as rayon, linen, cotton, bamboo etc.  I am lucky that my collection (which I have been collecting for 25 years now) has a healthy quantity of 30’s & 40’s outfits that are all great natural fibres and don’t irritate me..  In fact, up until I hit the late 60’s & 70’s in my wardrobe do start to have to make choices and decisions about what I can’t wear anymore.

I also get a lot of my vintage replicated by Jenny from Jack’s Daughter and I get to choose the fabrics that work for me.  (Like this 30’s pyjama set)

The other thing I’ve had to do now that I’ve put on some healthy weight!!, I’ve engaged a seamstress to let out seams of pants and dresses etc so I can still wear them.  Thats one of the benefit os buying true vintage or having something made professionally, you always have room to upsize!

What concessions have you had to make to your fashion wardrobe of late?

Vintage Styling Workshops Brisbane, Gold Coast and Melbourne

Client: Maryanne
MUAH:  Moi, Lindy Charm School
PC:  Brooke Orchard

Hands On Workshops…Up close, personal and a more intimate setting. (Max of 10 ladies per session)
BRISBANE: Saturday 8 July (Camp Hill Antique Centre)
GOLD COAST: Saturday 15 July (Labrador)
MELBOURNE: Saturday 26th August & Sunday 27th August 2023 (Frankston South)
Limited to 10 ladies per Allow 3-4 hours. Bring a snack, bring a friend. Champagne on arrival.
To book please email me: [email protected]
$120 pp
Fancy a little old-school glamour?
Let the Lindy Charm School for Girls Show you how to achieve these looks yourself.  In these workshops we will show you how to achieve that primped, preened and ready for a Mr Cecil B DeMille Close-up in no time! If you have ever dreamed of having that classic, vintage look but never knew how? Do you long for a bit of 1940s glamour, 50’s cheesecake or retro style? Miss Chrissy and her Team can help you.
Covering: 1930’s & 40s Vintage Old Hollywood Hair & Makeup; 1950s Classic Style Hair & Makeup; Pin Up/Retro and Kustom Kulture Looks also covered. Yes we do Victory Rolls, Barrel Curls, Betty Bangs, Hollywood Rolls and Gibson Rolls too. We just start with Pin Curls!!
This class will start with the fundamentals and we will transition through to a finished look together. This class is open to all ages and if you are wanting to achieve some of these looks? Then this is the class for you… Sign up to our newsletter: www.Lindycharmschool.com.au

The Moon is waning – time to shave?

I was chatting to some young ladies the other night and I flippantly said, The Moon is waning, I must go and shave all the bits!  they were amused and didn’t understand so I thought there may be some out there that would like to know this hack too..

The moon is said to be in its waning phase after reaching Full Moon.  As soon as the Full Moon has peaked, la lune starts to decrease in size and the waning period begins. It’s the best time for detoxification and exfoliation, right up until the new moon, which begins the cycle again.

The ideal period for hair removal is during the waning Moon phase. The waning or waxing phase is the decreasing period we experience just after a Full Moon. It’s a proven fact that during this phase, hair regrowth is slower, which means the desired results will last for longer.

There you go.. I know what you will all be doing after the next full moon!

Wedding Wishes

A friend of mine who is also a vintage and curiosity
The tradition dates back to the Etruscans, an ancient civilization that lived in the area we know as Italy today. But instead of breaking the bone in half, Etruscans would make a wish while stroking the bone — more like a good luck charm.
Family members would make

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Vintage/Retro Hair and Makeup Workshop

**WHEN:**   Saturday, 22 March 2025  – 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM **WHERE:**   Camp Hill Antique Centre & TART Cafe, Brisbane Join us in a beautiful space filled with vintage treasures, clothing, and antiques! This open and active vintage store will provide a unique and cozy atmosphere for our workshop. Enjoy great coffee and…


Vintage/Retro makeover & photoshoot on the Gold Coast

Empower yourself this International Women’s Day with a classic & timeless photoshoot with Brooke Orchard Photography & The Lindy Charm School.. Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th March 2025 It’s been 7 years since Brooke has done a photoshoot here on the Gold Coast. Such a treat to be back working together as a Vintage Makeover…


Stay in touch

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Let's Work Together

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress,
and working together is success."Henry Ford


Welcome to The Lindy Charm School where we offer a wide range of styling, costuming, workshopping and corporate services. Headed by the ever-vivacious Mistress Chrissy, The Lindy Charm School is a multi-disciplinary creative events and vintage styling business driven by a rich affinity with a time before now.

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