In Honor of Mum, Coming Next Year!


In Honor of MUM:  – The last picture Mum and I had together was this one above.  I took it less than 24 hours before she passed away.  She was really sick but still being a Mum first and foremost, she wanted to help me play with Turbans and the Art of Scarf Tying for a Vintage and Retro Look (I was preparing for a presentation and she was helping me).  As you know, also, through my own journey with cancer and losing over half my hair I too started to rock a turban frequently over the last 8 months.   Due to so many compliments and much encouragement from those around me, I have decided I am going to create “Ready Made Turban Kits” using Mum’s left over fabrics and also using a mixture of hand made fabric flowers that Mum Made mixed with some additional fruit/flower arrangements being made for me.   As Mum love a good party (as we do) we are calling them, “A Party for your Head Turbans” I will put together stylish and ready made sets for you to buy. These will all be individual and will come with pictures on how to assemble and use.  These will be released early next year and I do hope you all like them..  Any feedback as to color and design that you would like to see are most welcome!!  Pre-orders are also welcome…    Just to get you excited and in the mood.. Let me share this with you all…this famous clip of the Hedy Lamarr Showing Jimmy Stewart how to tie her Turban.. “There, Stupid!! Classic!   Ours will have lots of flowers and fruit like mine below..  Did you know: One common name for turban hats is cache-misère (French for “hide misery”), proving that they’ve always been a bad-hair day remedy for discerning vintage ladies. There are many different types of turbans, from the dramatic jewel-adorned and exotic versions of the Twenties and Thirties to the functional styles of the Forties and simple versions of the Fifties.



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Vintage/Retro Hair and Makeup Workshop

**WHEN:**   Saturday, 22 March 2025  – 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM **WHERE:**   Camp Hill Antique Centre & TART Cafe, Brisbane Join us in a beautiful space filled with vintage treasures, clothing, and antiques! This open and active vintage store will provide a unique and cozy atmosphere for our workshop. Enjoy great coffee and…


Vintage/Retro makeover & photoshoot on the Gold Coast

Empower yourself this International Women’s Day with a classic & timeless photoshoot with Brooke Orchard Photography & The Lindy Charm School.. Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th March 2025 It’s been 7 years since Brooke has done a photoshoot here on the Gold Coast. Such a treat to be back working together as a Vintage Makeover…


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Let's Work Together

"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress,
and working together is success."Henry Ford


Welcome to The Lindy Charm School where we offer a wide range of styling, costuming, workshopping and corporate services. Headed by the ever-vivacious Mistress Chrissy, The Lindy Charm School is a multi-disciplinary creative events and vintage styling business driven by a rich affinity with a time before now.

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