Summer style – the vintage way.
Summer in Australia is full of iconic images or bronzed bodies on long white deserted beaches. These images are lovely to look at and about a million miles from the way that I spend MY summers!
For me Summer is about sunscreen, flies, perspiration and using every ounce of my ingenuity to find ways to stay out of the sun and keep stylishly cool.
The other thing Aussie summers are full of is mainstream media telling up how to look good (e.g. how to get that perfect bikini body). From September to March we are bombarded with how to have the perfect “Summer Body”. I don’t know about you but, unlike my handbag & shoe combinations, MY body is the same body regardless of which season it happens to be.
So my focus is all about how to have the perfect “Summer Style” and NATURALLY that style is vintage!
Regardless of your shape, size, height, colouring, budget, likes, pet-hates or tap dancing skills there is a summer style that is perfect for you. You just need to look for it.
Whether is be:
> 1920s beach pajama sets with wide leg floral pants and giant straw hats;
> 1930s long flowing skirts, peasant gypsy tops and parasols;
> 1940s high waist tennis shorts and sporty little crop tops;
> 1950s glamour swim suits with matching over skirts and killer high heel slip-ons;
> 1960s SUPER bright high waist swimmers with huge sunglasses and a headscarf;
> 1970s loose flowing kaftans and armfuls of bangles;
> 1980s flash-dance style swimwear;
Or indeed, a mixture of any of the above!
Looking good and feeling great in Summer is in no way dependent upon the wearing of a bikini! And is in no way dependent on what we are told is in “fashion” for this year.
Just look at Miss Chrissy! She is wearing a 1960s bucket hat and 1970’s pinafore jumpsuit that look just killer. Teamed with a pair of awesome sunglasses and a modern parasol – she is the epitome of Summer cool!
My advice is to look at the things that you like to wear, the ones that make you feel really good, then take inspiration from the way these style items were worn in the past. Feeling good and making the most of who you are is really the only “Summer Style” that you need to master.
©Copyright Lisa Enright 2015