Thou Shalt Endeavour to Always Wear Red Lipstick!
A bit of fun while learning some interesting facts on lipstick/lip shape and the perfect pout:
Extracts from Wikipedia, home magazines and general knowledge:
Thank you to Miss Kitty Von Purr for the Image:
I love how practical and clever our foremothers were when lipstick was either rationed to the point of not being affordable or available or by being just out of reach for some….. Here are some clever ways to give that perfect pout the colour it craves in the absence of lipstick as we know it now in a fancy gold tube:
Dolly Parton – In her dimestore days, desperate Dolly saved face by rouging her lips with mercurochrome…
In my grandmothers dimestore days, she would use beetroot to stain her lips and then pop a little bit of Vaseline over the top for shine…
Cleopatra had her lipstick made from crushed carmine beetles, which gave a deep red pigment, and ants for a base.
The Sears catalog first offered rouge for lips and cheeks by the late 1890s.
The first commercial lipstick had been invented in 1884, by perfumers in Paris, France. It was covered in silk paper and made from deer tallow, castor oil, and beeswax.
Lips through the Decades:
The 20′s –A matte-finished, heart-shaped mouth is the expression of the seductive, rebellious woman of the Roaring Twenties – Lip colors are almost black and garnet red, plum,– Famous lips of the 20’s: Clara Bow, the “vamp’s lips” of Theda Bara, and the sexy “bee-stung” lips of Mae Murray. It was acceptable to apply lipstick in public and during lunch but never at dinner!!
The 30′s –A more sterner look square edges emphasizes the V peaks/points on top lip. A perfectionist appearance of the sober 30′s woman who, having witnessed the financial battery of the Great Depression, are thrifty and austere. Lip Colours – Reddish Brown/Gloss, Chinese Red. Famous lips of the 30’s: Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich.
The 40′s – Enter the Perfect Pout –(Well I think so anyway) A full mouth formed with symmetrical curves represents the courageous, self-assured look of the 40′s despite wartime privations. While men are at war, women are forced to fill their roles, giving them a newfound sense of identity and responsibility. Lip colours: Red Red and Red… True, Deep, Crimson, Brick, Orange Red and all the shades in between. Famous Lips of the 40’s: Rita Hayworth, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, and Katherine Hepburn but to name a few…
The 50’s –A voluptuous mouth with the lip line extended beyond the natural shape is reflective of this period. The look is seductive and feminine, revealing the ambivalence of women – Lip colours are: Coral, All shades of Pink, as well as the all shades of red but erring on the side of coral or orange & lighter/brighter reds rather than the deeper reds of the previous decades. Famous Lips of the 50’s include: Marilyn Monroe, and Audrey Hepburn, Ava Gardner, Grace Kelly
Kisses from the Mistress xx